COVID-19 Update – (as at 22 Aug, 2020).
We are at Alert Level 3 in the Auckland region, and Alert Level 2 for the rest of New Zealand until 11.59pm, Wed 26 August.
**New updates:
  • If you are in Auckland and have any cold or flu-like symptoms, you should get a COVID-19 test
  • Where can I get a COVID-19 test? See updated here
  • Step 1: Your family doctor (GP) first – call ahead to find out if you need a test and follow their advice
  • Designated GPs
  • Urgent Care Clinics, or
  • COVID-19 Testing Centres (CTCs)
  1. Dental and oral health update: Under Alert level 3, the Children’s Community Dental Service will only provide urgent and emergency dental care to children once the child’s condition has been assessed by a dental clinician over the phone, see here
  2. COVID-19 website has a useful flowchart on ‘How to get help to access food’, see here
  3. Food bank directory: Go to the Family Services directory for the most updated list of where to find a food bank, see here
  4. New Lottery COVID Fund: A new lottery fund worth $40 million has been established to focus on community and social initiatives in response to COVID-19, see here
  5. NZ COVID Tracer app, see here
  6. Additional information on face coverings have been added which includes a tutorial video link on ‘How to make a face covering’ here by from Dr Michelle Dickinson a.k.a Nano Girl. See attached, please share.
  7. Should kids wear a facemask? WHO released this article today recommending kids 5 and under do not have to wear a mask.
  8. You can find a newly released simple video by the Ministry of Health on ‘How to put on a face mask’here, and online resource here.
  9. There are now translated resources in 28 languages on COVID-19 website, see here, and seeNorthland and Auckland communities webpage for local translated information, here
  10. The NZ Police have developed multilingual videos about Alert Level 3 in Auckland, see here
  11. Getting Through Together toolkit for practical mental health and wellbeing advice to get through COVID-19, see here
  12. COVID-19 and The Social Impact Sector report [Centre for Social Impact], see here
  13. 1737 Consumer Feedback on Additional Service Survey The 1737 mental health helpline seeks feedback on its lived experience support service. For the next 6 months, callers can choose to speak with a trained counsellor or someone with lived experience. Details: For more information, see here
  14. Asian Family Services Asian Family Services have developed mental health and wellbeing, gambling harms, alcohol and other drugs and COVID translated resources in different languages, such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese and Hindi. These resources and information can be viewed through their website or social media. For more information, see website here and FB here
  15. Palliative Care Resources in Multiple Languages for Patients Palliative Outcome Initiative (POI) is an Auckland wide approach to primary palliative care. They have produced a range of patient resources in multiple languages and available on their patient resources webpage. For more information, see here
  16. Communitycations – enewsletter subscribe Communitycations is a weekly enewsletter produced by the Local Doctors Community Manager. Local Doctors is a member of Total Healthcare Primary Health Organisation (PHO) For more information, see here
  17. Aotearoa Poster Competition: Kiwis together – 2020 – Chinese Kiwis Responding to racism through ART. The competition uses art to engage us to think about how we do, and can, behave to reflect the values that are important to us as New Zealanders. Details: For more information, see here. Entries open 10 Aug and close 21 Sep, 2020
Stay stay, be kind and enjoy the lovely spring weather : )