HPRS is the Hobsonville Point Residents Society. All new owners join when they first buy a new property at the Point. Its committee is made up of volunteers appointed annually who administer the society, respond to residents’ queries and work to maintain the high standard of living that we all want to have here.

KAINGA ORA – Homes and Communities is a crown entity and subsidiary of Housing New Zealand. Its head office is at Catalina Bay and as well as managing the continuation of development at Hobsonville Point, it is also now steering major developments in Northcote and other parts of Auckland. The first lead developer of Hobsonville Point was HLC, which stood for Hobsonville Land Company, and then was known as Homes Land Community before being absorbed under the Kainga Ora umbrella. Head to www.kaingaora.govt.nz It was formerly known as HLC the Hobsonville Land Company.

AC is Auckland Council, the overarching entity that manages the ”super city” of Auckland. You can call Auckland Council on (09) 301 0101 or click here for the council’s website.

UHLB is the Upper Harbour Local Board, based in Albany and providing governance at local level within Auckland Council. The elected board enables democratic decision making by, and on behalf of, communities within its area. Upper Harbour includes Hobsonville, Whenuapai and Herald Island in the west, and Paremoremo, Greenhithe, Albany, Rosedale, Northcross, Unsworth and Pinehill in the east. For more about what the board does, click here.

AT is Auckland Transport, a council-controlled organisation responsible for Auckland’s transport services (except for state highways). From roads and footpaths to cycling, parking and public transport, AT covers it all. To contact them for anything to do with parking, street lights or public transport, click here.

Connected Neighbourhoods Trust (formerly known as Hobsonville Community Trust) was established in 2012 by three local churches to serve the local community. The trust hosts and supports a wide range of community events, groups, advocacy and initiatives and manages two community facilities – the Headquarters and Sunderland Lounge – on behalf of the Upper Harbour Local Board. For more info on hiring these facilities and CNT’s range of community initiatives, click here.