Complaints arrive frequently about washing being hung out to dry on lines rigged up on people’s front decks and balconies. ‘It looks so messy and is not a good look for people to see when they drive or walk along our streets,’ said one recent email from a resident, who also added, ‘isn’t it against the rules?’.

Yes, it is. The Society’s rules say that ‘unless specifically approved by the Residents Society Committee, all Members should ensure permanent and temporary washing lines as much as practicable are not visible from a street, right of way or pathway’.
So, if you can, use your dryer, or hang washing around the back of your place, out of sight. If it’s your tenants who are doing it, please advise them to abide by the rules.
We also hear constant gripes about people with vehicles in their driveways who park them over the footpath so that pedestrians pushing buggies or wheelchairs or walking their dogs are foreced to detour onto the road.
The rule says vehicles on privately owned driveways should not protrude onto the footpath. Yes, parking can be hard to find around here, but a little consideration goes a long way.