During these unprecedented times there could be extra strain on yourselves, family, friends or neighbours. The Government have released an extensive list of services and people you can reach out to that can help. 

Family violence and sexual violence prevention

Family violence and sexual violence services are essential services and will remain available at Alert Level 4, even if services need to be delivered in different ways.

The Government and the Police continue to take family violence and sexual violence very seriously. Violence is a crime at any time.

Family violence and sexual violence services are essential services and will remain available, even if services need to be delivered in different ways.

Your safety

It is okay to ask for help if you or someone else is in danger. If you think someone could be harmed or may harm themselves, call the Police on 111, even if you’re not sure.

Stay as connected as you can, and keep an eye out for the safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults.

Talk to friends, whānau and neighbours if you need support, or to see if they need help. Use social media to keep in touch and check-in with each other.

Helplines are available

If you are a victim of family violence, sexual violence, or if there is someone that makes you fearful, threatens or harasses you, seek help as soon as possible. You have the right to be safe.

The following helplines continue to be available for people needing help:

Finding a local support service

  • Family Services 211 Helpline (0800 211 211) – for help finding, and direct transfer to, community-based health and social support services in your area

Visit the Family Services Directory online

  • Find your Local Women’s Refuge by calling 0800 743 843 (0800 REFUGE) to be linked up with an advocate in your area

The Women’s Refuge website hosts a list of refuges near you

  • Te Ohaakii a Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together

Find out where sexual violence support services in your area

Chat to counsellors online or find out more at Safe To Talk

  • Victim Support – call 0800 842 846. 24-hour service for all victims of serious crime

Visit Victim Support’s website to find out how they can support victims during COVID-19

Find out more about the Victim Information Line and Victim Centre

Family violence services

  • Women’s Refuge – call 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE) for 24-hour service advocacy and accommodation for women and their children experiencing family violence

Find out more about Women’s Refuge

  • Shine domestic abuse services – free call 0508 744 633 (9am to 11pm) if you’re experiencing domestic abuse, or want to know how to help someone else

Find out more about Shine’s helpline

  • Family violence information line – call 0800 456 450 to find out about local services or how to help someone near you

Find out more about family violence and getting help

  • Elder Abuse Helpline – call 0800 32 668 65 (0800 EA NOT OK). 24-hour service answered by registered nurses who can connect to local elder abuse specialist providers

Here are signs of elder abuse or neglect to look out for

  • Tu Wahine Trust – call 09 838 8700 for kaupapa Māori counselling, therapy and support for survivors of sexual harm (mahi tukino) and violence within whānau

Find out more about Tu Wahine Trust

  • Shakti New Zealand – call 0800 742 584 for culturally competent support services for women, children and families of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin who have experienced domestic violence

Find out more about Shakti New Zealand

Sexual violence services

Chat to counsellors online or find out more at Safe To Talk

  • Rape Crisis Centres – call 0800 88 3300 for contact details of your local centre. Provides support for survivors of sexual abuse, their families, friends and whānau

Find out more about Rape Crisis Centres

  • Male Survivors Aotearoa New Zealand – call 0800 044 344. Offers one-to-one, peer and support groups for male survivors of sexual abuse and their significant others

Find out more about Male Survivors Aotearoa New Zealand

  • Tu Wahine Trust – call 09 838 8700 for kaupapa Māori counselling, therapy and support for survivors of sexual harm (mahi tukino) and violence within whānau

Find out more about Tu Wahine Trust

  • ACC Sensitive Claims Unit – call 0800 735 566 for access to services related to sexual abuse or sexual assault

Find out more about accessing services via the ACC Sensitive Claims Unit

Services for those who want help to stop harming

  • Hey Bro helpline – call 0800 HeyBro (0800 439 276). 24/7 help for men who feel they’re going to harm a loved one or whānau member

Find out more about Hey Bro

Chat to counsellors online or find out more at Safe To Talk

  • Korowai Tumanoko – text or call 022 474 7044 for a kaupapa Māori service for those with concerning or harmful sexual behaviour

Find out more about Korowai Tumanoko

  • Stop – support for concerning or harmful sexual behaviour

Find out more about Stop

  • Need to Talk? 1737 – free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor

Find out more about Need to Talk? 1737

Youth services

Chat online or find out more at Youthline

  • Kidsline – call 0800 54 37 54 (0800 kidsline) for young people up to 18 years of age (24-hour service)

Find out more about Kidsline

  • Skylight – call 0800 299 100 helping children, young people and their families and whānau through tough times of change, loss, trauma and grief

Find out more about Skylight

Find out more about getting in touch with Oranga Tamariki

Support for Rainbow community/ LGBTQI+

  • OUTline NZ – call 0800 688 5463 for confidential telephone support for sexuality or gender identity issues

Find out more about OUTline

  • You, me, us – promoting healthy queer, trans and takatāpui relationships

Find out more about You, me, us
